Friday, February 22, 2008

Baroque sheep dance.

I went out to check the sheep late last night after hearing the neighbors dogs barking and they were just having a great time bouncing around in the snow.  They had already been fed but seeing me were begging for more so I threw in a couple more pats of hay.  I have a spot light that hangs off the sheepshed.  It lights their little holding paddock. I can see them very well with the added lighting.  I keep that light on to keep coyotes away and so I can spot check for lambs with ease.  The ewes were in a gleeful mood and were banging heads and jumping in the air all the while snow swirled around them and glittered on their backs and faces.  It was like a Baroque sheep dance.  Seldom do they stay inside their little fold at the end of the shed. They enjoy the cold crisp weather. I think the neighbors dogs were probably barking at the yellow cat that just showed up here last month and hangs around the barn. This is the kind of winter weather I like best.  Snow but not too much and lovely crisp nights.

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