Saturday, March 22, 2008


Ad regias agni dupes.

Now at the Lamb's high royal feast
In robes of saintly white we sing,
Through the Red Sea in safety brought
By Jesus our immortal King.
O depth of love ! for us He drains
The chalice of his agony ;
For us a Victim on the Cross
He meekly lays Him down to die.
And as the avenging Angel pass'd
Of old the blood-besprinkled door ;
As the cleft sea a passage gave,
Then closed to whelm th' Egyptians o'er
So Christ, our Paschal Sacrifice,
Has brought us safe all perils through ;
While for unleaven'd bread He asks
But heart sincere and purpose true.
Hail, purest Victim Heav'n could find,
The powers of Hell to overthrow !
Who didst the bonds of Death unbind ;
Who dost the prize of Life bestow

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