Monday, March 31, 2008

Lambs soon to be........

Finally I can say for sure my ewes are bred.  I was getting a little worried.  I am using a ram I have not used before and this is pretty late but Maggie is making an udder and Nora looks like she is a listing barge with an over sized load.  I think the ewes are all bred.  Three of the four I bred this year are first time mothers so they probably will have singles while Nora will have twins or triplets. I hope that of all them go in a cluster other wise it may not be possible for me to go to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this year.  The Fest. is the first weekend in May. I don't like to leave the very young lambs nor would I ever leave someone else on watch with a pending birth.  If I have to stay home my daughter will go with my husband to man the booth.  One good thing is as we enter April the weather should be better for lambing.  My first lambs last year were born on the 27th of Feb. and the last on the 3rd of April. It looks like I will be starting where I left off last year!  Old Murdo did his job so I am pleased now I can see what this nice young ram can produce!

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