Monday, April 7, 2008

Lambing came and went in a flash....

Lambing is over here almost as soon as it began. Actually this is how it should be if your ewes are cycling and your ram is potent. Lambing happens all in a cluster and you can move on to the next phase in you shepherd's calendar. We used Murdo our home grown ram this year. Last year we bred to some rams from Maryland to get some new bloodlines into our breeding program. After using them I sold them and kept two nice ewes to breed to Murdo. We only bred four ewes this year because of the price of grain and hay. This is not a serious sheep operation its a hobby farm. We buy all our hay. We had three ewes and one ram born this season and you can hardly be too disappointed with that. My only let down is that Nora had a single unlike last year when she blessed us with twins.

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