Monday, May 19, 2008

Lilacs Now in the Door Yard Blooming...

The lilacs are in bloom and they are as splendid as the apple blossoms.  What a wonderful spring for flowers this has been thus far!  My Mother has a dark purple bush that is just grand right now.  My lighter purple one is looking very good but a few days behind those down by the lake shore.

How fair it stood, with purple tassels hung,
Their hue more tender than the tint of Tyre ;
How musical amid their fragrance rung
The bee's bassoon, keynote of spring's glad choir !
O languorous Lilac ! still in time's despite
I see thy plumy branches all alight
With new-born butterflies which loved to stay
And bask and banquet in the temperate ray
Of springtime, ere the torrid heats should be :
For these dear memories, though the world grow gray,
I sing thy sweetness, lovely Lilac tree ! "

by Elizabeth Akers.(1832–1911)

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