Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Road to the Isles

This Photo I took of my crummack while on Hirta in Saint Kilda last August.  It is an antique given to me by my dear friend Keith Campbell. Please click on the image to enlarge?

The far Cuillins are pullin' me away,

As take I wi' my crummack to the road.
The far Cuillins are puttin' love on me,
As step I wi' the sunlight for my load.

Sure by Tummel and Loch Rannoch and Lochaber I will go
By heather tracks wi' heaven in their wiles.
If it's thinkin' in your inner heart, the braggart's in my step,
You've never smelled the tangle o' the Isles.
Oh the far Cuillins are puttin' love on me,
As step I wi' my crummack to the Isles.

It's by Shiel water the track is to the west,
By Aillort and by Morar to the sea.
The cool cresses I am thinkin' of for pluck,
And bracken for a wink on Mother's knee.


The blue islands are pullin' me away,
Their laughter puts the leap upon the lame;
The blue islands from the Skerries to the Lews,
Wi' heather honey taste upon each name.


Meaning of unusual words:
Cuillins=mountains in the island of Skye
crummack=shepherd's crook

Music: Marjory Kennedy-Fraser
Lyrics: Kenneth MacLeod

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