Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend!

My Mother and our good friends Tom and Colleen came out for a little cook out for Labor Day with us and the day was just perfect. It was sunny and clear and there were no pesky flies!   We had Mexican style food cooked over opened fires.  What we prepared was fresh-picked, sweet corn grown nearby, our own home grown lamb and black bean tacos and chicken fajitas.  For desert we had apple cobbler Jim made from our own apples. They were baked in a Dutch oven on hot coals.  What a wonderful end to summer it was.  Just a perfect way to celebrate Labor Day! I have a large collection of cast iron cookware and we boiled the corn in a huge kettle hung from a large tripod. It felt like the 19th Century and we even had some peach wine from a nearby western, PA winery that Tom and Colleen brought!

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