Friday, June 26, 2009

Scottish Churches to proclaim Gospel at Royal Highland Show

Posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 11:16 (BST)

Scotland’s churches will unite to share a pavilion at this year’s Royal Highland and Agricultural Show at Ingliston outside Edinburgh.

The show is one of the largest events in the UK, attended by thousands of people.
Although individual churches have had stands at the show, this year the Scottish Churches Rural Group has brought them together in a Scottish Churches Pavilion.

The pavilion demonstrates the united witness of Scotland’s churches and in 2009 will be the focus for visits by church leaders, with the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland Cardinal Keith O’Brien visiting on the show's opening day on June 25.

Commenting on the move, Scottish Churches Rural Group member Rev John Woodside said the Scottish Churches Pavilion would provide a "quiet space in a busy show ground" and offer a place for church leaders to talk to visitors and especially school children about issues such as fair trade, migrant workers and faith.

Rev Woodside added: “We are also grateful that for 2009 the churches have been invited to have a presence in the show’s education centre and with that the opportunity to touch on a wider range of issues.”

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