Saturday, September 5, 2009

Grave pledge for poet who inspired Burns

Published Date: 05 September 2009
THE grave of one of Scotland's most inspirational poets is to be restored after the Scottish Government pledged to donate £2,500 to the memorial.
The restoration work will be carried out on the grave of Robert Fergusson, the poet whose work most inspired Robert Burns and who was born on this day in 1750.

Jim Mather, minister for tourism, said the restoration work would rightly commemorate the man who inspired Scotland's national poet. He said: "It is only fitting that we recognise the influence of Fergusson. Robert Burns acknowledged his debt to Fergusson by providing the gravestone which is still in place today. We are doing likewise by providing this funding to maintain it in good condition."

Councillor Deidre Brock, culture convener for the city council, added: "The restoration is especially fitting given that the council and Edinburgh World Heritage have just finished restoring the impressive Burns Monument on Regent Road."

Fergusson was much admired among 18th century writers before his death at 24. He was buried in an unmarked grave in Canongate Kirkyard in Edinburgh but, on discovering this, Robert Burns commissioned and paid for a gravestone.

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