Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Christian cops ‘are snubbed’ in Scotland

March 22, 2010

An organisation representing Christian cops has been denied official recognition – while a nationwide Scottish Muslim Police Association was launched with a political fanfare and £10,000 of taxpayers’ cash just days ago.

Scotland’s 127-year-old Christian Police Association say they feel they’re treated as "second-class citizens".

The CPA is run on a shoestring budget and has been consistently refused recognition by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) on the grounds it would be "inappropriate".

Harry Pearson, branch leader of the Strathclyde CPA, described the situation as "unfair".

He will write to both ACPOS and Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill to demand the same recognition.

The Muslim group launched last Wednesday in Fife, with Mr MacAskill the guest of honour. It will receive an initial £10,000 of funding.

ACPOS said it will discuss "any concerns".

The Scottish Government said the CPA had not asked for funding.

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