Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Song

We've been a-rambling all of the night
And the rest part of the day.
And now we are returning again;
We've brought you a branch of May.
We have been wandering all this night
And almost all of the day.
And now we're returning back again;
We've brought you a branch of May.

A branch of May so fine and gay,
Up at your door it stands;
It's nothing but a sprout but it's well budded out
By the work of our Lord's hand.
A branch of May we have brought you,
And at your door it stands;
It's nothing but a sprout but it's well budded out
By the work of our Lord's hand.

Wake up, wake up, you pretty fair maid,
Wake from your drowsy dream
And step into your dairy house
And fetch us a cup of cream.

Remember us old mayers here,
And now we do begin
To lead a life in righteousness
For fear of death in sin.

Repent, repent you wicked old men,
Don't die before you do.
And when the day of judgement comes
The Lord will think on you.

The hedges and fields are clothed all round
With several sorts of green;
Our heavenly Father waters them
With his heavenly showers of rain.

I have a purse here in my hand
Rolled up with a silken string,
And all that it wants is a coin or two
To line it well within.

The clock strikes one, it's time to be gone,
We can no longer stay.
God bless you all both great and small
And send you a joyful May.

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