Saturday, October 30, 2010

True Colors

Filmed in the Immanuel presbyterian church, Los Angeles

As always there should be but one guide if you are a Christian. That would be love. We must first love our Gay and Lesbian brothers and sisters and with that will follow understanding. It really is that simple.

Immanuel is a unique church. It is 121 years old; yet considered cutting edge on most fronts. It is a community of faith; yet people here hold a broad range of faith perspectives. The church worships in Spanish and English and bilingually; yet that is not what makes it most diverse. Immanuel is made up of people who are rich
and poor, male and female, gay and straight; some of the members hold doctorates
and some haven't finished elementary school; some have Presbyterian backgrounds; others come from a Roman Catholic tradition, while still others come from another tradition or have no religious background. Immanuel is a unique church. The Church is 121 years old; yet is considered cutting edge on most fronts. It is a community of faith; yet people who attend hold a broad range of faith perspectives. Members were born in at least 25 different countries and speak many native languages. Immanuel is on the progressive side of the church, while maintaining spiritual roots and seeking spiritual connections in both traditional and innovative ways.

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