Wednesday, March 9, 2011

An Easter Hymn

This is Thomas Blackburn's "An Easter Hymn"
Music by Bach

Awake thou wintry earth,
Fling off thy sadness ;
Fair vernal flower, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness:
Christ is risen.

Wave, woods, your blossoms all,
Grim death is dead ;
Ye weeping funeral trees,
Lift up your head:
Christ is risen.

Come, see, the graves are green;
It is light; let's go
Where our loved ones rest
In hope below:
Christ is risen.

All is fresh and new,
Full of spring and light;
Wintry heart, why wearest the hue
Of sleep and night ?
Christ is risen.

Leave thy cares beneath,
Leave thy worldly love;
Begin the better life
With God above:
Christ is risen.

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