Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beth's beauty/health tips for both sexes, LOL

This is a topic I have never addressed on this blog or anywhere else. I was posting on a website today and it had some beauty tips from a MD. Many were good but sort of odd to me. Just for fun I wrote down what I consider my best beauty tips especially so you can stay beautiful as you age. It was kind of fun. These are my tips:

Stay away from sun bathing and tanning beds. Also wear a hat or some protection if you must be in the sun for long periods. Be sure to avoid heavy make up and especially avoid the raccoon effect eye make up. What ever you do don't smoke cigarettes or cigars at all and drink only very moderately. Try to smile often and carry your head high. Be sure to make eye contact and try to be aware of your surroundings when in social settings. Don't color or treat your hair anymore than absolutely necessary. I believe even a plain Jane or Joe can look like a rare beauty if she/he carries them-self well and cares for their assets. One more very important beauty tip, get enough sleep. Naps can be most helpful if you find you have not been able to sleep well at night.

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