Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Flag Day in the USA

Duty to Our Flag

by Edgar A. Guest

Less hate and greed
Is what we need
And more of service true;
More men to love
The flag above
And keep it first in view.

Less boast and brag
About the flag,
More faith in what it means;
More heads erect,
More self-respect,
Less talk of war machines.

The time to fight
To keep it bright
Is not along the way,
Nor' cross the foam,
But here at home
Within ourselves today.

'Tis we must love
That flag above
With all our might and main;
For from our hands
Not distant lands
Shall come dishonor's stain.

If that flag be
Dishonored, we
Have done it not the foe;
If it shall fall,
We, first of all,
Shall have to strike the blow.

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