Thursday, June 16, 2011

Traveller's Prayer

I never tire of this song. I made this video a few years ago and the wonderful full moon in clear skies here tonight made me revisit my video.

This is a slideshow video of photos and classic paintings of the moon set to The Traveller's Prayer by John Renbourn. John Renbourn wrote the words to Traveller's Prayer after researching the ancient songs of the Carmina Gadelica . This is based loosely on a prayer called The New Moon. There are several prayers with the moon as the main subject that are in this collection of ancient works collected by Alexander Carmichael. I advise all to buy John Renbourn,'s CDs. For the Traveller's Prayer see Ship of Fools.

Music copyright John Renbourn, All Rights Reserved


  1. LOvely - my kind of music,

    Any idea who is the female accompanyist

  2. I think it is Maggie Boyle singing there.
