Thursday, October 20, 2011

Espiritu Andino

I heard this group play at the Sheep and Wool Festival last weekend. It was amazing they played all day for two full days and were just wonderful. I do not know how they did it they took few breaks and the music was flawless and inspired. Espiritu Andino or Andean Spirit is a group of talented musicians from various South-American countries, founded in 2005. Members: Faustino Cutipa (Peru), Martin Costelo (Peru), Gabriel Davila (Bolivia), Erubey Puente (USA, Ecuador), and Oscar Echevarria (Peru).

Instruments: antara, charango, siku, zampona, quena, rondador, bombo, cajon.

Espiritu Andino

"Espiritu Andino performs a variety of traditional and new age urban melodies from the
South American Andean Mountains of Peru,Ecuador,Bolivia,Chile,and Argentina
Espiritu Andino was created in 2005 as a response to the vital necessity to preserve
alive, share, spread to our young generations, the philosophy of our ancestors and show
the world the mystical culture of the millenary INCA civilization.

Every band member of Espiritu Andino is native from the andean mountains and has
enriching musical experiences that have helped sustain their career in South America,
The United States and Canada for over a decade."

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