Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy We Are Thegither

Here around the ingle bleezin',
Wha see happy and see free?
Tho' the northern wind blaws freezin',
Frien'ship warms baith you and me.
Happy we are a' thegither,
Happy we'll be, ane an' a';
Time shall see us a' the blyther
Ere we rise to gang awa'.
See the miser o'er his treasure
Gloatin' wi' a greedy ee!
Can he feel the glow o pleasure
That around us here we see?
Thus then let us a' be tassin'
Aff our stoups o gen'rous flame;
And while roun' the board 'tis passin',
Raise a sang in frien'ship's name.
Frien'ship maks us a' mair happy'
Frien'ship gies us a' delight;
Frien'ship consecrates the drappie,
Frien'ship brings us here the night.
Happy we are a' thegither,
Happy we've been, ane an' a';
Time shall find us a' the blyther
Ere we rise to gang awe.

Meaning of unusual words:
ingle bleezin=blazing fire

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