Monday, December 21, 2009
'Merry Christmas,' Not 'Happy Holidays'
Religious freedom means the right to embrace the customs and meaning of Christ's birth
By Henry E. Brown
Posted December 18, 2009
Henry E. Brown is a Republican congressman from South Carolina.
Earlier this month, as I recorded a message to our troops and sent Christmas cards to family and friends, I found myself hesitating before using "Merry Christmas" to wish those important to me a blessed holiday. I was brought up in a Christian home where we celebrated Christmas and its many traditions. Until recently, I had never thought twice before wishing others "Merry Christmas." Communities across the country are abuzz with the "acceptable" way to observe this holiday season, but why should those who celebrate Christmas feel pressure to say "Season's greetings" or "Happy holidays," reluctant to express traditional Christmas words of good cheer?
I am troubled by the sentiment that the phrase "Merry Christmas" is not appropriate and concerned by the limits placed on the expression of the traditions and symbols associated with this national holiday. For me, Christmas is one of our most important holidays, not only because of Christianity's influence on our nation's founding but also because of the Christmas message of "peace on Earth, goodwill to men." To downplay this holiday can only be construed as an attempt to minimize its origin. While the commercialization of the Christmas season floods our cities with beautiful light displays and decorations of Santa and his reindeer, we must not forget that the true meaning and significance of Christmas is the birth of Christ.
I recognize that there are many religions that celebrate a variety of holidays this month. However, in accordance with the First Amendment, I believe it is important to protect civic religious dialogues and preserve the right for everyone to worship as they believe. This does not mean limiting individuals' expression, in public or private, of their religious traditions in favor of creating a neutral holiday season. Instead, as Thomas Jefferson suggested in his 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, the "wall of separation between church and state" ensures against government encroachment on religious expression. This means that no one should feel compelled to hide his or her celebration of Christmas or feel obligated to hesitate before expressing Christmas greetings. I am concerned that recent attempts to celebrate a "politically correct" holiday season demean this right and may cause the loss of the true meaning of Christmas and some of its sacred traditions.
Unfortunately, the avoidance and hesitation to openly celebrate Christmas seems to be growing. This month's Climate Summit in Copenhagen prohibited the Christmas trees that annually adorn Denmark's Bella Center, despite the fact that Christmas has been celebrated in Denmark since the 17th century. Its Foreign Ministry attributed the ban to the United Nations' attempt to remain neutral, meaning Denmark's traditions will be taking a back seat this Christmas.
An elementary school in Oregon banned symbols like Santa Claus and Christmas trees and even threw out a "holiday giving tree," the purpose of which was to encourage students to give gifts to needy children. The principal of an elementary school in Connecticut instructed students to say "Happy winter" instead of "Merry Christmas." Both schools said that they did not want students whose families did not celebrate Christmas to feel left out or uncomfortable because of the presence of religious symbols in which they did not believe. But the simple wish of cheer at Christmastime, to those who celebrate it or those who do not, is neither insulting nor intrusive. Instead, by pushing Christmas out of the public sphere, actions like those of these schools teach children that their celebrations are somehow offensive and should be limited.
This growing censure of Christmas in favor of a more "politically correct" holiday has also been embraced by some of our nation's leaders. Earlier this month, reports circulated that the White House would celebrate a nonreligious Christmas by excluding any religious symbols from the celebration. I was shocked to read that President Obama considered omitting the traditional manger scene from the elaborate White House decorations in an attempt to keep them religiously neutral. While ultimately the manger scene was included, the hesitation to include the nativity, which depicts a paramount scene in the Christian faith, is worrisome. Additionally, the president's official Christmas card did not reference the holiday or its purpose. To strip Christmas of all religious significance is to lose the reason for recognizing it nationally.
As Americans, we are blessed with many freedoms that generations have fought and died to preserve. Among those is our right to worship in a manner of our personal preference. As a Christian, I observe Christmas to celebrate the birth of Christ. I choose to wish others "Merry Christmas" and send cards that extend my best wishes on the occasion. I also choose to include a biblical reference to Christmas as expressions of goodwill are sent in an affirmation of my belief in the importance of Christ and his teachings. However, it seems this right is increasingly being discouraged, which is why I introduced House Resolution 951, which recognizes the importance of Christmas symbols and traditions and expresses support for the use of these symbols and traditions by those who celebrate the holiday this year. Further, the resolution expresses disapproval of all attempts to ban or limit references to Christmas. I would never intend for my Christmas cheer to be construed as exclusionary, any more than I would take offense at someone's choice to extend another specific holiday message. But I do feel someone must stand up for those who celebrate Christmas and remind them that they do not need to hesitate before wishing others "Merry Christmas." So, this December 25, between the hustle and bustle of gift giving and decorating the tree, I hope that my resolution is one among many of the Christmas wishes you will receive!
While I do not agree with all of the points made by Henry E. Brown, I do agree the political correctness has gone too far and that our nation needs to keep celebrating Christmas.This should not be up to congress but if you ask me we need to keep Christmas the name of the season. The materialism is already out of control. If it continues down the road of just being a winter revel it can only become more materialistic and the meaning will be lost all together. I think traditions hold a country together. I do not feel however we need to have a resolution in the government to protect Christmas. Let's all just keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts and act out of love and for peace.
-Beth Maxwell Boyle
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