Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Rosslyn Chapel visitor centre lands revamp grant

Photo of Rosslyn Chapel by Beth Maxwell Boyle 2005

Published Date: 22 December 2009
ROSSLYN Chapel's visitor centre and a city play park are among the projects to benefit from a cash windfall from the Landfill Communities Fund.
The environmental body, WREN, has shared out £132,555 among four schemes in Edinburgh and Midlothian. Landfill operators can divert money from their annual landfill tax bill to projects to benefit the community.

This included £50,000 towards a refurbishment at the chapel's visitor and education centre. Another £40,505 was given to Colinton Mains Play Park to buy new play equipment.

A boardwalk and interpretation signs are set to be upgraded in the Pentland Hills, following a grant of £27,755. Howgate Kirk will benefit from a £14,295 internal upgrade and new audio system.

Caroline Sanderson, project manager for WREN in Edinburgh & Midlothian, said: "WREN funding is focused on community-based projects."

Organisations and community groups can find out how to apply for funds at

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